Namaqualand Flower Tour

Namaqualand is a place where one can experience nature in a special and extraordinary way and is steeped in the story of the Namaqualand daisies; an abundance of fertile flowers that transform the almost lifeless Namaqualand into a beautiful floral display of beauty in spring.

It was once the hunting ground of the Bushman, with wonderful stories of survival in an unfriendly and unforgiving world, until the rains come and everything unfolds in an unprecedented floral splendour.

Namaqualand in South Africa’s Northern Cape province is a springtime vision that will colour your imagination for the rest of your days. Here, Namaqualand daisies and more than 3 500 other floral species emerge in spring – from early August to the end of September – to offer one of the world’s greatest flower shows.

The tour is aimed at the history of the places we travel through and the beauty of the Kalahari and Namaqualand, and covers many other interesting places, since it starts and ends in Gauteng. Highlights you will experience are:

1. Big hole of Kimberley

2. Augrabies falls near Upington

3. Namakwa Nature Park

4. Kokerboom nursery in Vanrhynsdorp

5. Hantam Botanical Garden

6. Rooibos tea shop in Clanwilliam

7. Ramskop Nature Park

8. West Coast National Park

9. Gariep dam

10. Women's Monument in Bloemfontein.

Tour dates: 1-8 August, 15-22 August, 29 August - 5 September

Read the full itinerary here:

Booking inquiries:, or whatsapp: 084 410 4888
